Blackall-Tambo Region

- 24.65145.8Koordinaten: 24 ° 39 ' S, 145 ° 48' O The Blackall - Tambo Region is a Local Government Area ( LGA) in the Australian state of Queensland. The area is 30,389 km ² and has about 2200 inhabitants.


The region is located in the center of the country about 830 km north- west of the capital Brisbane.

The largest town and administrative headquarters of the LGA is Blackall with about 1160 inhabitants. Other towns are Bayrick, Caldervale, Lansdowne, Lumeah, Macfarlane, Minnie Downs, Mount Enniskillen, Scrubby Creek, Tambo, Windeyer and Yandarlo.


Today's Blackall - Tambo Region was founded in 2008 from the two Shires Blackall and Tambo.


The Blackall - Tambo Regional Council has five members. Four Councillor elected by the residents of the four divisions ( constituencies ). The Council President and Mayor ( Mayor ) is also elected by all residents of the region.

