Bodyweight exercise

When weight training (English bodyweight exercise, abbreviated BWE ) refers to a sporting exercise that only uses your own body weight as resistance.

Weight exercises are a form of fitness and strength training, does not attempt to tools such as weights and fitness equipment.


Self -weight exercises can pursue various goals, such as increase anaerobic and aerobic endurance (eg with burpees ) and strength training (eg with one-legged squats ( Pistols ) or various exercises Turner ).


Since you only need your own body to carry, you can constantly self-weight exercises, perform everywhere and free. This makes them good for those who can not attend no gym or want.

As the exercises become ever many muscle groups and include all movements, not just the individual muscles are strengthened, but also the interaction and the efficiency of individual body regions trained. It is less common to muscular imbalances than conventional strength training.


Weight exercises are often criticized for "only" one's own body serves as a resistance, which supposedly leads to a stagnation training from a certain level. Proponents of self-weight exercises the counter that you can increase the difficulty in almost any way, by a difficult exercise intentionally. For example, you can perform with increased leg level instead of a normal push-up one-handed push-ups or push-ups, which significantly increases the resistance. Thus, the training intensity can be adjusted dynamically to train not only the force endurance, but also in the maximum force range.

List of exercises

Weight exercises engage among other things, the following best practices and many other variants of back exercises:

  • Erector ( sit-ups )
  • Crunches ( crunches )
  • Ground Rowing
  • Bars supporting
  • Beetle
  • Pull-ups
  • Squats
  • Pushups, Dands
  • Side support
  • Superman