Business magnate

As Tycoon ( also Tycoon ) are referred to industrialists, tycoons or moguls. A Tycoon command and control over large parts of specific industries, where also usually comes his fortune. A typical example of a tycoon in a specific industry is a " building tycoon " (real estate speculator ). In Russia, the term business oligarch has manifested.

In the list of billionaires by Forbes Magazine, there are many tycoons.


The word tycoon is derived from the Japanese word Tycoon (Japanese大君). Directly translated, this means as much as Large master and was formerly used during the Edo period to indicate Japan visiting foreigners that the shogun was the supreme ruler of the country. Official use in a contract, it was the first time in the negotiated on July 29, 1858 American -Japanese Friendship and Trade Treaty. The word was taken from circa 1870 in the United States in the English language and applied, among others, employees on President Abraham Lincoln. In economics, the term is still common.

