
Canela on the map of Brazil

Canela is a city in Rio Grande do Sul in southern Brazil. The town with about 40,000 inhabitants was founded in the early 20th century and independent on 28 December 1944. It lies at an altitude of 837 meters in the Serra Gaúcha in the region of the hydrangeas. The municipality borders on Três Coroas ( in the south), Gramado ( in the southwest ), Caxias do Sul ( in the northwest) and São Francisco de Paula ( in the northeast ). Canela is located 123 km north of the capital, Porto Alegre (84 km distance).

The German, Italian and Portuguese- influenced city center with its cathedral dates from the early 20th century.

Canela has a subtropical by the altitude of relatively cool and humid climate. In summer there is an average of 28 ° C, in winter 6 ° C. There are occasional frost and snow. The town attracts both in summer and snowfall many tourists, mostly Brazilians, and is very well developed for tourism. Especially the two nature parks Ferradura and Caracol, the biggest attraction is a waterfall, are very popular with visitors. The original vegetation is Araucaria forest and Mata Atlântica in the deeper layers.

Agricultural production is dominated by corn, apples, beans, wine, rice, Maté, pigs, cattle and chickens.

The village lies on the Rota Romantica, a scenic route, which in addition to Canela and still São Leopoldo, Novo Hamburgo, Estancia Velha, Ivoti, Homeboys, Morro Reuter, Santa Maria do Herval, Presidente Lucena, Picada Café, Nova Petrópolis, Gramado São Francisco de Paula covers. The road RS -235 leads from Gramado about Canela to São Francisco de Paula. From 1924 to 1963 Canela was connected by a rail line with Taquara. The station is now a museum. The airfield between Gramado and Canela is not served in regular service.
