Central Anatolia Region

Central Anatolia (Turkish: Anadolu iC ), with an area 151,000 km ², the second largest of the seven geographical regions of Turkey. The official name is " area Central Anatolia " ( Anadolu Bölgesi tr iC ). It represents about 1 /5 ( 19.4%) of the Turkish national territory dar.

This region exists officially since Geography Congress in 1941 in Ankara and is geographically divided into four sub-regions or areas.



The geographical division:

  • Anatolia Central Anatolia Bölümü Konya - Konya area
  • Yukarı Sakarya Bölümü - area above the Sakarya (river)
  • Orta Kızılırmak Bölümü - Middle region of the Kizilirmak (river)
  • Yukarı Kızılırmak Bölümü - area above the Kizilirmak (river)


Turkey is politically subdivided into 81 provinces. This region includes the following provinces:

  • Aksaray
  • Ankara
  • Çankırı
  • Çorum ( in part )
  • Eskişehir
  • Karaman
  • Kayseri
  • Kırıkkale
  • Kırşehir
  • Konya
  • Nevsehir
  • Nigde
  • Sivas
  • Yozgat



Central Anatolia is in terms of population after the Marmara region, the largest geographic area of ​​Turkey. According to the census in 2000 the population was 11,608,868 and the population density of 77 inh / km ² (TR- nationally: 81 inh / km ² ).. . 67.25 % of the population ( 8,039,036 ) live in urban areas, 30.75% ( 3,569,832 ) in the country. The annual population growth rate was 1.578 %.
