Chippewa River (Minnesota)

The Chippewa River is an approximately 195 km long tributary of the Minnesota River to the west and southwest of the U.S. state of Minnesota.

About the Minnesota River, it is part of the watershed of the Mississippi River.


The Chippewa River rises in Chippewa Lake in Douglas County, 11 km north- west of Alexandria and flows through several lakes at its headwaters. He initially flows westward into the Grant County, where he turns to for the rest of its course through the counties Pope, Stevens, Swift and Chippewa to the south. The cities Hoffman, Cyrus and Benson lie along its course and it empties into the Minnesota River at Montevideo. Some sections of the river, especially in the middle reaches of the county Pope and Swift were straightened and channelized.

Larger tributaries of the Chippewa River are in Pope County, about 70 km long Little Chippewa River, which usually takes a south-west course through the counties Douglas and Pope and Benson of about 145 km long East Branch Chippewa River, which rises in the south-east of Douglas County and after an initial course through the southern Pope County, where it flows through several lakes, turns in Swift County to the west.
