Chiswick House

The Chiswick House is a Palladian- style building built in London's Chiswick with revolutionary gardens that made Creating Richard Boyle, 3rd Earl of Burlington ( 1695-1753 ) by William Kent.

Burlington was a patron of the arts ( he also promoted Georg Friedrich Händel ) and a dilettante who dealt with architecture. He planned his mansion modeled after the Villa Rotonda in Vicenza, built by Andrea Palladio around 1566 and realized they 1720-1730 provided. Home was not suitable for everyday devices, it was "too small to live in, and too big to hang on a watch chain it "as a contemporary of John Hervey scoffed. Chiswick was no ordinary residential house, it was an architectural statement of intent, also only the cultivation of the actual country house, which has not survived.

Burlington was the dominant European culture of French absolutism oppose something, his models he found in Italy (Andrea Palladio ) and England ( Inigo Jones, who propagated Palladio's architectural philosophy in the 17th century, but does not prevailed - only Burlington helped with the Palladian Revival his ideas to break through ).

The Garden of Chiswick was built in 1715, while Alexander Pope helped with advice. After completion of the new Villa in 1729 a new system was put into attack, this time the young painter William Kent, the Burlington in Italy met and hired for the interior had helped. Together they studied ancient garden descriptions, such as Pliny, and tried to move closer. Columns and sculptures (such as by ancient poets ), temples and a Bagnio completed the picture.

But Kent went even further: The Antiquities quote expressed the spirit of liberty not be adequate, in his opinion, the symmetrical garden spaces had to be redeemed from their rigid, strict forms. This Kent first formulated the basic principle of the English landscape garden, and was later one of the masterminds of the garden revolution.

1966 filmed the Beatles two music videos for Paperback Writer and Rain in the garden.

Pictures of Chiswick House
