Christian People's Party (Peru)

The party was founded in 1966 as a spin-off of the Democracia Cristiana Peru under the former mayor of Lima, Luis Bedoya Reyes. This makes it next to the social democratic APRA and the civic center party Acción Popular one of the oldest still active parties of Peru. From 1968 she was in opposition to the military dictatorship of Juan Velasco Alvarado. By contrast, they ünterstützte the Presidency of the Acciópopulisten Fernando Belaúnde Terry and was involved in the government from 1980 to 1985. When deciding election in 1990, the PPC involved in civic FREDEMO Alliance, which supported the candidacy of liberal writer Mario Vargas Llosa, who, however, Alberto Fujimori defeated. Until 1992, the PPC was serving as the leading force in the Senate opposition work, from the repeal of the Constitution by President Fujimori in 1992, he played only a subordinate role.

Towards the end of the reign of Fujimori in 2000, the party adopted its activity up again and use intensive detachment of the dictator. They joined with other center-right parties to Unidad Nacional. Your candidate in the presidential election in 2001, Lourdes Flores missed a third party just to participate in the runoff. A similar result, again with Flores as a candidate, was run in 2006. 2008 broke the Unidad Nacional and the 2011 elections took the PPC as an authoritative force in the civil Alianza por el Gran Cambio with the non-party candidate Pedro Pablo Kuczynski top part. The Congress of the period 2011-2016, the Christian Democrats are represented by seven deputies.

Internationally, the Partido Popular Cristiano is organized into the Christian Democratic International and the conservative International Democrat Union. The party color is green.
