
Clintonia borealis

Clintonia is a plant genus in the family Liliaceae ( Liliaceae ).

  • 5.1 Notes and references


Vegetative characteristics

Clintonia species are perennial herbaceous plants. There are short rhizomes with diameters from 1.5 to 8 cm formed as outlasting. At the rhizomes thin, fibrous roots are formed.

Constantly on the ground rhizome sit two to six sessile leaves and in some species also stalked leaves may occur on stems. The inverted - ovate to lanceolate leaf blade upside has a distinctive midrib and slightly hairy with smooth boundary.

Generative features

The flowers are often terminally singly or usually several up to 45 in doldigen or in racemose inflorescences together. The bracts are leaves- leaf-like or linear. The hermaphrodite flowers are triple. The six free, almost equal multiform bracts are erect to spreading, obovate to narrowly lanceolate and wrong - white or yellow. There are nectaries present. There are six fertile stamens present. The inserted at the base of the bloom stamens are broadened and fluffy hairy at their base. The anthers are oblong - obovate to oblong - linear. The ovate to almost cylindrical, usually two, rarely insulated draft tube ovary is upper constant and bare. There are two to ten ovules in each ovary chamber. The columnar, laterally somewhat compressed style ends in a slightly usually two, rarely three-lobed scars. The unequal length flower stems extended to fruit maturity and straighten up.

The ellipsoid to ovoid, smooth berries are metallic blue to black when ripe and contain 4 to 30 seeds. The shiny brown seeds are two - or three -edged.

The basic chromosome number is x = 7 The North American species are polyploid with most 2n = 28.


The Clintonia species thrive in temperate to subarctic regions of the northern hemisphere. Only Clintonia udensis are located in Asia. The other four species occur in North America.


The genus Clintonia 1818 by Constantine S. Rafinesque - Schmaltz in American monthly magazine and critical review, 2, p 266 with the type species of Clintonia borealis ( Aiton ) Raf. positioned. The scientific genus name honors the American Clintonia politician DeWitt Clinton ( 1769-1828 ). Clintonia is closely related to Medeola.

The genus Clintonia contains only five species, species:

  • Clintonia andrewsiana Torr.
  • Clintonia udensis Trautv. & C.A.Mey.
  • Clintonia umbellulata ( Michx. ) Morong
  • Clintonia uniflora ( Menzies ex Schult. ) Kunth


Indigenous peoples of the eastern and western North America took advantage of Clintonia species as eyes and heart medicine, further mitigations for dermatological and gynecological complaints.


  • Chen Xinqi (陈心启Chen Sing -chi ) & Minoru N. Tamura: Clintonia in the Flora of China, Volume 24, 2000, p 127: Online.
  • Frederick H. Utech: Clintonia in the Flora of North America, Volume 26, 2002, p 164: Online.