
Dobrowolsk (Russian Добровольск, German Schlosbergk 1516, from 1545 Pikaln / Pillkallen until 1938 Pillkallen, 1938-1945 Schlossberg, Pilkalnis Lithuanian, Polish Pilkały ) is a village in Rajon Krasnoznamensk ( Kaliningrad, Russia) with 1693 inhabitants (as of October 14 2010). Until 1945 it was the county town of the East Prussian circle Pillkallen.

Today, the municipal seat of the rural community Dobrowolskoje is selskoje posselenije ( Добровольское сельское поселение ).

  • 2.1 Coat of Arms


The older name Schlosbergk (first time on September 14, 1516 in the house mentioned in the Book of Ragnit ) has an Old Prussian Fliehburg. Later the collection Muhlenberg said. The name Pillkallen ( 1545 mentioned during an inheritance dispute ) can later on Lithuanian settlers close ( Lithuanian pilkalnis: piled mound, grave mound, megalithic grave, castle or castle hill, whereas Old Prussian pilgarbis ). Since 1549 Pillkallen was a Kirchdorf in previous market town. Pillkallen / Schlossberg was a district town in the district of Gumbinnen. 1938, the village name was changed as part of the Nazi name renaming action in the northern and eastern Prussia in line with the previous name in Castle Hill.

Friedrich Wilhelm I gave Pillkallen and Gumbinnen city rights in 1725. The Plague from 1709 to 1711 brought great losses and settlers from Nassau. 1756 dedicated to a built of fieldstone Evangelical Protestant parish church, but in 1819 went down.

Pillkallen, as well Gumbinnen 1914 were almost completely destroyed by the Russians. The twin city of Wroclaw helped to rebuild. On 15 January 1945, the Red Army captured during the Second World War Pillkallen.

In 1947 the town was renamed as " Pilkallen " in Dobrowolsk, and lost its city rights. The function of a regional center went through ( earlier Lasdehnen and Costanosellari ) to the nearby Krasnoznamensk. Dobrowolsk was initially the seat of a village soviet (Russian Добровольский сельский Совет Dobrovolsky Selski Sowet ) which was converted in the 1990s in a village district (Russian Добровольский сельский округ, Dobrowolski Selski okrug ). Today, the site and surrounding area are still largely destroyed.

Population Development

Rural community Dobrowolsk

Since the administrative reform in the Kaliningrad region 2008/2009 is Dobrowolsk eponymous city and administrative center of the rural community Dobrowolskoje selskoje posselenije with 19 settlements and 4140 inhabitants ( 2010).

Many East Prussian settlements, which lay on the present-day municipality, no longer exist, such as the Kirchdorf Willuhnen.

The east of the district, which borders Lithuania, is a military training area.

Coat of arms

Blazon: "On Silver crenellated wall with open gate on green ground in red three golden windmills next to each other. "

So the coat of arms appears on the single became known SEAL OF THE CITY Pillkallen 1724.


To circle Pillkallen / circle Schlossberg included the following estates:

  • Nowischken, from 1933 renamed Braemerhusen. Nowischken / Braemerhusen belonged since 1818 Braemer family and last from 1932 to 1945 Hans Waldemar Karl Friedrich Braemer with the outworks Braemerswalde ( Nathalwethen ) and Neuhof. The farm had 856 hectares, including 200 hectares of forest and 400 ha of arable land, meadows and pastures. The manor house was destroyed in the First World War and later rebuilt later by one floor again. A large part as parquet flooring, stairs and furniture were built from the forest itself. Through family, domestic workers and farm workers, the village had 180 inhabitants ( read in " East Prussia Guide " by Georg Hermanowski ).
  • Doris Thal ( 250 ha ) was also many generations of the family Braemer, most recently it was Karl Friedrich Walter Braemer the cousin of Hans Waldemar.
  • Kummetschen / Fichtenhöhe (330 ha ), another manor of Braemer family. This was last Arno Braemer, the uncle of Hans Waldemar.
  • Szameitkehmen ( Lindenhaus ), the Steiner family farm, about 280 ha Since about the mid-18th century in the possession of the family. Main source of income was the breeding of Trakehner for the Wehrmacht ( Remontepferde ). Gilts were placed on a separate Remontemarkt in Szameitkehmen the Remontierungs Commission to sell. More Gutsbetriebe of the family were the manor Waldau Kadel (about 260 ha) and the manor Reusch village in what is now Poland (about 600 ha). The estate also ran a distillery and a sawmill. This manor is now owned by the Polish Ministry of Agriculture and is still preserved. Horse breeding was first-rate addition to the livestock. The livestock ( manor Waldau Kadel ) was tailored to milk production and sale of bulls and heifers ( the East Prussian name for cows that have never calved ) on the auction Insterburger the East Prussian herd book society.


  • Pillkaller Machandel

Sons and daughters of the town

  • Johann Heinrich Wlomer (1726-1797), German jurist
  • Martha Asmus (1844 - ), German writer
  • Erich Dunskus (1890-1967), German actor
  • Horst Salomon (1929-1972), German writer
  • Ralf -Peter Devaux (* 1940), German intelligence (DDR )
  • Bernd Old Stein ( born 1943 in Castle Hill, East Prussia ), German sculptor