
Dubrouna (White Russian Дуброўна, Russian Дубровно / Dubrowno ) is a city in Belarus.

Dubrouna is the administrative center of the raion Dubrouna in Wizebskaja Woblasz. It was established in 1773 and currently has approximately 9000 inhabitants.

Coat of arms

Description: In blue gebordten and blue brick blazon a silver stone gate with two golden oak leaves and an acorn at the keystone and the Torsäulenfuß sullied.

  • Israel Dow Frumkin (1850-1914), pioneer of Hebrew journalism, author
  • Charles Jaffe, chess master
  • Samuil Solmonowitsch Polyakov (1837-1888), Russian railway entrepreneur
  • Casimir Simienowicz, rocket pioneer
  • Anna Tumarkin, Professor of Philosophy
  • Menachem Ussishkin, Zionist

Administrative center: Vitebsk | Baran | Braslau | Dokschyzy | Dsisna | Dubrouna | Haradok | Hlybokaje | Lepel | Mjory | Nawapolazk | Nowalukoml | Orsha | Pastawy | Polotsk | Sjanno | Talatschyn | Tschaschniki | Werchnadswinsk

  • Place in the Wizebskaja Woblasz