ECUARUNARI ( Kichwa: Ecuador Runakunapak Rikcharimuy, " movement of the Indians of Ecuador ", literally " awakening of the people of Ecuador ") is an umbrella organization that represents indigenous peoples or organizations with Kichwa background in the highlands of Ecuador.


The association defines itself as a " coalition of the peoples of Kichwa Nationality of Ecuador " ( Confederación de los Pueblos de la Nacion Alidad Kichwa del Ecuador, or Ecuador Kichwa Llaktakunapak Jatun Tantanakuy ). In its early stages it looked the other hand, as a Native American organization with ecclesiastical bond.

The association is several times a year its bilingual magazine Rikcharishun out ( Kichwa: " We awakening " or "we will awake ").

From 2003 to 2010, Humberto Cholango, a member of the people of Kayampi ( Cayambi ) from the province of Pichincha Chairman of ECUARUNARI. In the period 2010-2013 Delfin Tenesaca has held this position from Mayorazgo ( Puruhá, Chimborazo province ).


Its origins, the club in the 1960s, when the Catholic Church in Ecuador started at the private level before the first official land reform law with the distribution of lands. These efforts can be seen in the background, to limit the influence of the Cuban Revolution. Based on this private land reform, indigenous rural communities organized under progressive Catholic organizations. In the municipality of Tepeyac ( Chimborazo province ) met in June 1972 at a convention more than 200 delegates from various rural - indigenous organizations and cooperatives with a Catholic background from the highland provinces of Imbabura, Pichincha, Cotopaxi, Bolívar, Chimborazo and Cañar and founded the umbrella organization ECUARUNARI. At this conference, two opposing positions regarding the to be organized by ECUARUNARI social base was represented: some wanted to unite indigenous and non - indigenous sectors, while the other, supported by the church, a purely indigenous organization wanted. Some representatives of the direct influence of the church was called into question. Finally, it was defined at the Congress ECUARUNARI as an indigenous organization with ecclesial bond. It was elected a national line ( Directiva Nacional), which was responsible for the regular convening of meetings. At the regional level there were " movements of the provinces " (Wawa Rikcharimuy, Movimientos Provinciates ) each with their own levels of management. Beginning of the seventies brought ECUARUNARI at the national level, major mobilizations for land reform concluded that forced the government in 1973 to a second land reform law.

At the same time the club has a deep ideological, political and structural crisis went through due to internal contradictions that so far stricter that she earned after 1975 the organization to the brink of splitting and resolution. Eventually, convene a congress, which until 25 July 1977 in the village of Chibuleo took place in the province of Tungurahua with 180 participants, including 100 delegates from 19. Here, the land reform was the one rated, who had barely touched the large estates, on the other hand, the state of ECUARUNARI analyzed and taken measures to consolidate. There political operatives were excluded, which were regarded as splitters, including Antonio Lema and Marco Barahona. Scharf limited the organization of evangelical associations from, including the Summer Institute of Linguistics, and condemned imperialist intervention from abroad. Overall, this fourth Congress meant a political turn and approach of ECUARUNARI to the labor movement. In the following time, the organization was able to consolidate and advance through mass mobilization at local and regional level, the implementation of the land reform laws, which meant the restitution of stolen lands once.

ECUARUNARI 1986 was involved in the founding of the indigenous umbrella organization CONAIE, to which he has to this day.


One of the main objectives of ECUARUNARI, the preservation and defense of the Kichwa language that is especially significant cleavages show with the Summer Institute of Linguistics. While this has considered the individual Kichwa dialects as separate languages ​​and even individual realizes complete Bible translations for the variants of Chimborazo and Imbabura, ECUARUNARI is one of a common written language. For this purpose, a unified orthography was created Shukllachishka Kichwa ( Quichua Unificado ). This is the EIB ( Educación Intercultural Bilingüe, "Intercultural bilingual education ") is used, which has been included due to the pressure of the indigenous organizations in the Constitution of Ecuador of 1998 - but only for the indigenous people and not for all Ecuadorians. Unlike in Peru, the EIB really is the responsibility of the indigenous ethnic groups, so that member organizations of ECUARUNARI or Kichwa communities were able to open their own schools with EIB in many places. These schools, however, there has not been comprehensively.

Represented ethnicities

  • Natabuela
  • Otavalo
  • Karanki ( Caranqui )
  • Kayampi ( Cayambi )
  • Kitu Kara ( Quitu )
  • Panzaleo
  • Salasaca
  • Chibuleo
  • Puruhá
  • Guranga
  • Saraguros

Represented organizations

  • Imbabura: FICI - Federación de los pueblos Kichwa de la Sierra Norte del Ecuador - CHIJALLTA FICI ( Karanki, Natabuela, Otavalo, Cayambi ), Chairman: Manuel de la Torre
  • Pichincha: FPP - Pichincha Rikcharimuy ( Cayambi, Kitu Kara ), Chairman: Ramón Lanchimba
  • Cotopaxi: MICC - Movimiento Indígena y Campesino de Cotopaxi ( Panzaleo ), Chairman: Jorge Herrera
  • Tungurahua: MIT - Movimiento Indígena de Tungurahua ( Salasaca, Chibuleo, Tomabela, Kisapincha ), Chairman: Polibio Punina
  • Chimborazo: ME - Movimiento Indígena de Chimborazo ( Puruhá ), Chairman: Delfin Tenesaca
  • Bolívar: Fecab Brunari ( Waranka ), Chairman: Vicente Nina Banda
  • Cañar: UPCCC - Unión Provincial de Cooperatives y Comunidades de Cañar / Canary Runakunapak Tantanakuy ( Canary ), Chairman: Antonio Caizán
  • Azuay: UCIA ( Canary ), Chairman: Carlos Carchi
  • Azuay: UNASAY ( Canary ), Chairman: Manuel Montero
  • Loja: CORPUKIS - Corporación de pueblos Kichwa de Saraguros / SAKIRTA - Saraguros Kichwa Runakunapak Jatun Tantanakuy ( Saraguros ), Chairman: Carlos Sarango
  • Zamora Chinchipe: ZAMASKIJAT ( Saraguros ), Chairman: Miguel Sarango
  • Esmeraldas: UOCE ( Campesino y Afroecuatorianos ), Chair: Mariana Solórzano
  • Carchi: CCM ( Pasto ), Chairman: Milton Carapaz