Eleazar Chisma

R. Eleazar Chisma ( Eleazar Chisma, sometimes called Eleazar ben Chisma; meaning of " Chisma " unexplained ) was a time of his life of grinding poverty -ridden Jewish scholar of antiquity, flourished about the year 100 AD and belonged to the second, after another to the third generation of the Tannaim.

Eleazar said to have been a pupil of Akiba and / or Yehoshua ben Hananiah and possessed great knowledge in astronomy and mathematics. The extensive mathematical knowledge of Eleazar and Rabbi Johanan, son of Gudgada, boasted the Talmud as saying: "You know the number of drop in the ocean to calculate. "

He was probably (together with R. Yochanan ben Nuri ) Supervisors in teaching home Gamaliel II.

The Eleazar ascribed Halachot mainly deal with agricultural and purity laws.
