
A fishmonger sells fish. In the Middle Ages fishmonger belonged to a guild of free organized dealers who sold fish.


The oldest known proof of the existence of organized fishermen and fishmongers - guilds dating back to the year 1106 and relates to the guild of fishmongers at Worms. At that time the guild charter was presented to 23 fishmongers for their guild for the sole and perishable fish sales from the city.

The Apostle Peter is patron of the fishmonger. His name day is June 29. Likewise, the Apostle Andrew, whose name day is November 30, applies, as patron of the fishmonger. The Virgin Mary, with nameday on September 8, is the patroness of the wholesale fish merchants. The figure of a fishmonger is often used as part of the Christmas crib.

Was notoriously famous originally derived from Greifswald family dynasty of Loitz that in Stettin built a fish trading empire in the 15th and 16th centuries. Today, the Loitz house in Szczecin houses the art high school in the city.


Fishmonger work today as a free trader. In addition to simply selling traffic from shops enjoy as Barker fish markets and farmers' markets an unbroken popularity, such as the legendary Bremer Fish Lucy.

Fishmonger in the literature

In the literature, play from fishmongers and a starring role. Among other things, in:

  • Franz Lubojatzky: The fishmonger of Naples, historical novel, in 1841, publishing Comptoir Grimsby
  • Didier Savard: Dick Herrison 5 - The conspiracy of the fishmonger, ISBN 3-933187-41-9