Gentiana pneumonanthe

Marsh gentian (Gentiana pneumonanthe )

The marsh gentian (Gentiana pneumonanthe ) belongs to the genus of gentians (Gentiana ).


The plant is about 15-40 cm high, in wastelands but also a height of up to 1 m away. The stem is erect and one to mehrblütig (if mehrblütig, then 1-3 flowers on the stem tip, the other singly in the axils of the upper leaves ). The long deep blue, funnel-shaped flowers are 4-5 cm long. The leaves are einnervig and narrower than 1 cm. Seeds not winged. The leaves have a eilanzettliche to linealische form and are usually slightly rolled over the edge. The crown is 25-50 mm long and can have 5 greenish stripes. Bloom time is depending on Blühsippe June to October.

Folk names

Blue bells (Bremen Oberneuland ) Biekerbleomen (Halle / Westfalen ), pulmonary Flower, Kiweitsblome (hare area ), hunger herb meadow gentian ( Sylt)


Nearly all of Europe, temperate Asia, Caucasus. In Germany the Lower Rhine, Schleswig -Holstein, Mecklenburg- Vorpommern to foothills of the Alps. In Austria scattered to very rare in all provinces. In Belgium, in the Rur valley below the High Fens.

Site conditions

On sandy or peaty, moderately acidic to neutral soils growing. As the site nutrient-poor and alternating wet wet meadows ( Molinia meadows ), Nardus grasslands and fen meadows are preferred from the lowlands to the montane zone. In the northwest German lowlands, especially in wet heath and on the edge of moorland ponds.


The intensification of grassland management and drainage of wetlands and pagans, the species is endangered. Germany: Hazard Category 3 (endangered, regional more at risk ). The species is specially protected under the federal Species Protection Regulation ( BArtSchV ). The young larvae of the marsh gentian Blue butterfly ( a butterfly ) live monophagous the marsh gentian; older caterpillars are then towed by ants of the genus Myrmica nodes that are attracted by sugar juice and soothed by pheromones in their nests and catered for to pupation there. One can speak of a Brutparasistismus, similar to the cuckoo. The marsh gentian flower 1980 was the year.
