Gianfranco Reverberi

Gianfranco Reverberi ( born November 12, 1934 in Genoa ) is an Italian composer and musician.


The brother of Gian Piero Reverberi is counted among the pioneers of rock music in his home country, but also joined by fifteen film scores and Soul in appearance. In 1954 he had moved to Milan and worked with artists such as Gino Paoli and Luigi Tenco. He received a contract with Dischi Recordi and composed for Enzo Jannacci, Fabrizio De André and Giorgio Gaber.

His biggest hit "Crazy", whose basic shape in the spaghetti western Django and the gang of the Hanged is heard, 2006 was very successful in a version of Gnarls Barkley. Even with his brother, there were numerous collaborations.

Film works (selection)
