Guayllabamba River


The Guayllabamba ( Kichwa on: Wayllapampa ) is a river in the Ecuadorian Andes, he belongs to the catchment area of ​​the river Esmeraldas.

  • 3.1 Pita
  • 3.2 Pisque


The Kichwa word Wayllapampa means " green level ". After the Guayllabamba Guayllabamba basin also has been nominated in the capital Quito is located. The name of the river carries also the place Guayllabamba, this is about 30 kilometers east of Quito.


The Guayllabamba the system is the most important river system of the province of Pichincha. When main power is considered first the Río San Pedro, the numerous other rivers flow into, under which the pita and the Pisque are the most important. The San Pedro or Guayllabamba flows 150 km largely from south to north through the valley of Machachi and the Guayllabamba basin before about 40 kilometers north of Quito breaks through the Western Cordillera of the Andes and from there westwards from flowing down the Andes. In Quinindé it flows together with the Río Blanco and forms the Río Esmeraldas, which leads to Esmeraldas in the Pacific. Microsoft Encarta specifies the length of the Guayllabamba with 240 kilometers.


The Guayllabamba arises as San Pedro in more than 3000 meters above sea level on the southwestern edge of the Guayllabamba Basin south of Machachi ( in the parish Chaupi, about 65 km south of Quito ) and flows from there to the northeast through the valley of Machachi. Its water comes from the volcanoes Illiniza, Corazón, La viudita, Atacazo and the western flanks of Rumiñahui and Pasochoa. Through a constriction between the volcanoes Pasochoa and Atacazo the San Pedro flows going Chillos ( Chillos Valley ) in the Valle de. . Here it flows past, among other things in the places Sangolquí and Conocoto before close of lying on the eastern edge of the Guayllabamba basin to Quito's altitude volcano Ilaló also the Pita River flows to him.

Middle reaches

After the confluence with the pita of the San Pedro heading north flows on the eastern edge of the basin continued through the valleys of Cumbayá and Tumbaco northeast of Quito, where he rivers Machángara (from west to waters of the Pichincha) and Chinche ( from the east with watering smaller volcanoes from the eastern border of the Guayllabamba basin ) accrue. Later on other rivers such as the Guambi and Iguiñaro added.

North of the village Guayllabamba ( both north-east of Quito ) flows to the flow of Pisque. From the influx of Pisque one speaks of the actual Guayllabamba. This now forms since the inflow of Guambi ever- narrowing canyon in the Andes. From the West and East rivers flow to him more, including also the north of the capital Quito flowing through the Nuns. Because of the high gradient the Guayllabamba developed here for the torrent. At the northwestern edge of the basin of the Guayllabamba breaks through at Perucho the Western Cordillera of the Andes between the foothills of the volcanoes Pululagua and Mojanda.


From here it flows westwards the Andean slopes down through a little -populated, densely vegetated area in the provinces of Imbabura and Esmeraldas. He still flow to various other rivers, including the Pachijal and Llurimaguas. At Rosa Zárate ( Quinindé ) he joins the Río Blanco coming from the southeast to Esmeraldas.

Important tributaries


The Pita originates at Cotopaxi southeast of Quito under the name Pedregal. From here it flows north, where the waters of the volcanoes Cotopaxi those Sicholagua and Rumiñahui accrue. At the foot of the volcano Pasochoa unite the Pedregal and springing on Pasochoa river Pita, whose name is given, the resulting flow. The Pita flows from here to the north by the Valle de los Chillos up to its confluence with the San Pedro at the foot of Ilaló.


The Pisque arises in the northeast of Guayllabamba basin between the volcanoes Fuya - Fuya in the north and in the south of Cayambe ( near the located at 3097m altitude resort of Olmedo ). The Pisque arises from the Granobles or the Guachalá and, with its headwaters the valley of Cayambe, which is located in the town of Cayambe.
