Helah Kiprop

Helah Kiprop (born 7 April 1985) is a Kenyan long-distance runner who specializes in road races.

In 2009 she won the Nice Half Marathon and the South Tyrolean Spring Half Marathon, was second in the 15 km from Le -Puy -en- Velay and triumphed in the 10 km from La Provence. 2010 was followed by a victory at the Oelder City Run.

In 2012 she was second in the Berlin Half Marathon, the Fourth Göteborgsvarvet and won the World 10K Bangalore, the Zwitserloot Dak Run and the Zwolle Half Marathon. In the fall, she was third in the Delhi Half Marathon.

2013, it started with a victory at Egmond Half Marathon in the season. A sixth place at the RAK Half Marathon followed by a victory at the Berlin Half Marathon. In her debut on the 42,195 - km - distance she was at the Berlin Marathon in fourth.

Helah Kiprop is supervised by Volare Sports.

Personal Best

  • 5000 m: 15:33,90 min, June 2, 2007, Trento
  • 10,000 m: 33:03,8 min, June 6, 2009, Nairobi
  • 10 - km road race: 31:19 min, February 15, 2013, Ra's al -Khaimah (intermediate )
  • Half Marathon: 1:07:39 h, February 15, 2013, Ra's al -Khaimah
  • Marathon: 2:28:02 h, September 29, 2013, Berlin