
Hemavan is a place ( tätort ) in the Swedish province of Västerbotten County and the historic province of Lapland.

The village in the municipality of Storuman is located 145 kilometers northwest of Storuman and 10 kilometers northwest of Tärnaby, about 50 kilometers away on the upper reaches of the river Ume älv from the Norwegian border.

By Hemavan runs the European Route 12 ( vägen as Blå, "Blue Road" known), which leads to about 100 km north-west location, Mo i Rana in Norway.

In Hemavan the Tärna is fjällpark with an exhibition, geology, flora, fauna and historical and cultural significance of the mountain shows, and a botanical garden on the mountain flora. It is also located near the Nature Reserve Vindelfjällen that offers good hiking opportunities.

In Hemavan begins or ends of the King's Trail.

