Holovkivka, Oleksandriia Raion

Holowkiwka (Ukrainian Головківка; Russian Головковка / Golowkowka ) is a village in the east of Ukraine Kirovohrad Oblast with 2,200 inhabitants ( 2001).

The village is the administrative seat of the district municipality of the same. From 1754-1759 and 1761-1764 Holowkiwka belonged to the territory of the Nowoslobidskyj Cossack Regiment, a territorial-administrative and military unit in Ukraine.


Holowkiwka is located south of Rajon Olexandrija on the banks of Beschka, a tributary of the Inhulez on the border with Rajon Petrowe. The Oblasthauptstadt Kirovohrad located 70 km west and the Rajonzentrum Olexandrija is 19 km north of the village.

Also part of the district municipality, in addition to Holowkiwka, yet the village Iwaniwka (Ukrainian Іванівка; Russian Ивановка / Iwanowka ). ⊙
