John Shaw (bishop)

John William Shaw ( born December 12, 1863 in Mobile, Alabama, United States, † November 2, 1934 ) was Archbishop of New Orleans.


John William Shaw received on May 26, 1888 Sacrament of Ordination for the diocese of Mobile.

Pope Pius X appointed him on February 7, 1910 Titular Bishop of Castabala and Coadjutor Bishop of San Antonio. He received his episcopal consecration of the Archbishop of New Orleans, James Hubert Blenk SM on 14 April of the same year; Co-consecrators were the Bishop of Mobile, Edward Patrick Allen, and the Bishop of Natchitoches, Cornelius Van de Ven.

With the death of Bishop John Anthony Forest on May 11, 1911, he followed them, as Bishop of San Antonio. On January 25, 1918, he was named Pope Benedict XV. Archbishop of New Orleans.
