Joseph J. Tyson

Joseph Jew Tyson ( born October 16, 1957 in Moses Lake ) is Bishop of Yakima.


The Archbishop of Seattle, Raymond Gerhardt Hunt Hausen, ordained him a priest on 10 June 1989.

Pope Benedict XVI. appointed him on 12 May 2005 as Auxiliary Bishop in Seattle and Titular Bishop of Migirpa. The Archbishop of Seattle, Alexander Joseph Brunett, donated to him on June 6th of the same year, the episcopal ordination; Were co-consecrators Gustavo García- Siller MSPs, Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago, and George Leo Thomas, Bishop of Helena. As a motto he chose Christ Lumen ad gentes.

On 12 April 2011 he was appointed Bishop of Yakima and introduced into the office on 31 May of the same year.

In October 2012 Tyson urged Catholics to vote in referendums against the recognition of same-sex marriage in the marriage laws of the states of Maine, Maryland and Washington.
