
Juillan is a commune in the Hautes -Pyrénées, in the Midi -Pyrenees. It is located in Tarbes district and canton Ossun.

Juillan has 4020 inhabitants (as of January 1, 2011 ) to 8.2 square kilometers and is located about five kilometers southwest of Tarbes in the Bigorre on echez. Passing through the municipality on the western edge of the Route nationale 21 and to the north the A64 Autoroute.

The town's name comes from the Latin campus jullianus. So this was it for land owned by the Roman Supreme Jullianus.


  • Denis Jourdanet (1815-1892), physician and physiologist
  • Lionel Beauxis ( born 1985 ), rugby players
  • Alain Caussade ( b. 1952 ), rugby players


Near the international airport Tarbes -Lourdes, located in the neighboring municipality Ossun directly on the municipal boundary to Juillan, the airline company Air Méditerranée has its headquarters in Juillan.
