
59.16444427.584722Koordinaten: 59 ° 10 ' N, 27 ° 35' O

Kivinõmme is a village (Estonian küla ) in the rural community Illuka ( Illuka vald ). It is located in Ida -Viru county (East Wierland ) in northeastern Estonia.


The village has 16 inhabitants ( 2011). In the village is the forest administration of the territory. In the village the landscape conservation area is Kivinõmme ( Kivinõmme maastikukaitseala ).


Kivinõmme is closely connected with the Estonian legendary hero Kalevipoeg. Both legs cut off by his own sword Kalevipoeg should be collapsed to his knees in pursuit of the enemy in Kivinõmme and have found his death. In the forest of Kivinõmme is supposed to be grave under a hill. Archaeologists have demonstrated, in fact, a cave from the middle Iron Age.

A memorial stone in the mixed forest marks the spot. The popular saying that there is also a large gold treasure was buried ...

The legs of the hero, however, are buried under an oak tree in the garden of the six- kilometers from the monastery of Kuremäe. Others claim Kalevipoegs grave located under the Toompea Tallinn, Estonia.
