
Kolárovo (Slovak to 1948 " Guta "; Hungarian Gúta - to 1882 Gutta ) is a town in Slovakia Nitriansky kraj.

The city lies at the confluence of the Waag and the Little Danube on the Great Rye Island, was mentioned in 1268 for the first time as Gutta and was until 1948 the Slovak name of Guta, after which it was renamed from national political reasons, in honor of the Slovak poet Ján Kollár in Kolárovo.

In the city, in 2001 81 percent of Hungary and 18 percent of Slovaks.

It consists of the districts:

  • Casta (Hungarian Császta or Császtamellek )
  • Kolárovo
  • Kráľka (Hungarian Királyrét )
  • Pačérok (Hungarian Pacsérok )
  • VeLka Gúta (Hungarian Örtény or Örtényitanyák )
  • Velky Ostrov (Hungarian Nagysziget )

