Konrad Eberhard

Konrad Eberhard ( born November 25, 1768 in Hindelang, † March 12, 1859 in Munich) was a German sculptor and painter.


Eberhard made ​​with his brother Franz together early devotional paintings, carved crucifixes, holy pictures, tabernacles, etc. Later he worked at the Munich workshop of Roman Anton Boos and visited Rome in 1806, where he was a pupil of Antonio Canova extended his skills. His first important works were classical, as his muse ( Glyptothek ), his Faun, his Leda (both at the palace, where the colossal group of Endymion and Diana, brought together by Cupid, is located). This work gave him in 1816 a professor at the Munich Academy. In 1819, he succeeded the Barberini Faun, one of the masterpieces of the Munich Glyptothek, to acquire on behalf of the Bavarian Crown Prince Ludwig in Rome.

Later he turned to the medieval art, but reversed the tradition of his family and home with the medieval art of Italy and was in the circle of Roman romantics one of the most fanatical religious fanatics. His grave monument to Caroline Josepha Maximiliane of Bavaria (1810-1821), the youngest daughter of Maximilian I Joseph, in the transept of Theatinerkirche in Munich, his last major classical work (1825 ). Then he treated preferably religious objects, which all breathe the spirit of medieval art. In 1837 he took the lithograph " Triumph of the Holy See and the Church " party in the Prussian mixed marriage dispute, as the archbishop of Cologne, Clemens August Droste zu Vischering, on the question of religious education of children from mixed marriages in a fundamental conflict with the Prussian state faded.

His main works are the two grave monuments of bishops Johann Michael Sailer and Georg Michael Wittmann in the Regensburg Cathedral. Even in his house altarpieces Eberhard kept his craftsmanship as its Proselyteneifer, in his poems and musical compositions but a great versatility. In recent years, he destroyed all of his non-religious work. He died on 12 March 1859 in Munich.


His brother Francis (* 1767) adopted its work several times share, but also created independent works, especially small-scale, reliefs etc. alabaster. He died blind on December 18, 1836.


