Kuntur Wasi

- 7.1293611111111 - 78.845194444444Koordinaten: 7 ° 7 ' 46 " S, 78 ° 50' 43 " W

Kunturhuasi (House of the condor in Quechua ) is a former temple complex in the Andes of Peru. It is believed that its inhabitants connections to the Chavín, a forerunner of the Mochica had. Kunturhuasi was inhabited 1200-50 BC.


Kunturhuasi located in the north of Peru, on the upper reaches of the river Jequetepeque and thus in the Cajamarca region in the province of San Pablo, near the provincial capital of the same name. The Jequetepequetal provided a natural route between the coastal region and the Andean highlands dar.


Kunturhuasi was probably built 1000-700 BC. It consists of a, built on a hilltop temple complex, square platforms, a deeper embedded courtyard and other rooms. In the bottom of one of the rooms a manufactured clay anthropomorphic relief was let (height 75 cm ), which was originally painted with the colors of vermilion, malachite - colored, black, yellow and pink. His face has large, square eyes and a large mouth with prominent buck teeth. Today, this relief is in the museum in order not to be damaged by weather. Other parts of the plant are tiered platforms and burial sites.


Was rediscovered in 1945 by Julio C. Tello Kunturhuasi, 1989 by scientists from the University of Tokyo 4 tombs excavated. The grave goods consisted among other things of necklaces, decorative breastplates, gold crowns, earrings and plates. There are already eight tombs were discovered during the archaeological investigations.


1994 Kunturhuasimuseum was opened, which is run by the local population. It mainly contains the grave goods as well as information about the excavations and a model of the temple complex.
