Kyra, Russia

Kyra (Russian Кыра ) is a village ( selo ) in the region of Transbaikalia in Russia with 4563 inhabitants (as of October 14, 2010 ).


The place is located less than 300 km as the crow south-southwest of the regional capital of Chita Mongolia between there about 1500 m low mountain ridges to the north and Stanowik Onon - Baldschinski in the south. About 20 km off the border with Mongolia. It is located on the left bank of the eponymous Onon Creek Kyra.

Kyra is the administrative center of the Rajons Kyrinski and seat and only town in the rural community Kyrinskoje selskoje posselenije.


The place went from a 1728 set up border guard station of the Russian out to the Chinese Empire. In 1872 he was Cossack settlement; This year is considered as the actual founding year. Since 1926 Kyra administrative seat is one Rajons.


Note: Census data


Kyra is on a street that branches off about 50 km east of the A167 which leads branches in Darassun (also station of the Trans-Siberian Railway ) from the A166 to the Mongolian border in the direction of Choibalsan.
