Lepista personata

Purple stem Rötelritterling ( Lepista saeva )

The Purple stalk or Masked Rötelritterling ( Lepista saeva, syn Lepista personata; . Clitocybe saeva ) is a species of fungus in the family of Tricholoma relatives ( Tricholomataceae ). The fungus usually grows on grassy sites and is widespread throughout Europe. Outwardly, it resembles the Violet Rötelritterling ( Lepista nuda ), but has no colored hat.

  • 7.1 Notes and references


Macroscopic characteristics

The cap is 5-15 cm broad, at first hemispherical or curved and spread almost flat with advancing age. He is pale gray, ocher- gray, pale brownish gray and old brown. The hat has a smooth, matte, moist, shiny and greasy to the touch surface, which is often hygrophanous a little. The brim is initially curled or bent- and later, when the fungus has spread to more or less sharp.

On the underside of the cap are closely related, cream-colored to light brown or gray fins, which has grown bulged on a stick or are free standing. Sometimes they have a pink or purple reflex. The fins are cut smooth or slightly wavy and the spore powder is pale pink.

The stem is colored mostly vigorous purple or violet, but older specimens can fade. The stem surface is conspicuously fissured lengthwise - fibrous. The 6-7 cm high and 2.5-3 cm thick, not ringte stem is cylindrical and sometimes has a more or less bulbous or conical base.

The white to pale flesh is thick, firm and brittle when cutting. It just smells weak and has a mild, nutty flavor.

Microscopic characteristics

Under a light microscope, the spores appear pink to hyaline, ellipsoidal shape and having fine warts. The spore sizes are 6-8 to 4-5 microns.


The typical double of the purple stem Rötelritterling is the Violet Rötelritterling (L. nuda ). This is usually highly colored purple in all parts and has a eye-catching spicy smell, while the purple stem Rötelritterling only weakly smells and tastes neutral. Moreover, the two Rötelritterlinge distinguished by their location.

Distribution and ecology

The fruiting bodies of the Purple stem Rötelritterlings may be encountered on open grasslands and pastures, in parks, on clearings and forest edges. He thus distinguishes additionally the Violet Rötelritterling, which can be usually found only in forests. The purple stem Rötelritterling fruchtet sociable and often grows in rows or distinct forms fairy rings. His Fruchtungszeit extends from summer to early winter. But mostly the fruiting bodies appear in only in late autumn from October to December.

The species is widespread in Europe, but not often. There is also evidence from North America, where the species was reportedly found in California.

Systematics and Taxonomy

The species was originally described in 1818 personatus of Elias Magnus Fries as Agaricus. Mordecai Cubitt Cooke hired him in 1871 in the genus Lepista and gave him so that his name still in use today - Lepista personata. There were other names, namely 1960 Lepista saeva of PD Orton and 1969 Clitocybe saeva by HE Bigelow & AH Smith, of which the latter assigns the fungus of the larger genus of funnel Linge ( Clitocybe ). The Style epithet " Saevus " is in Latin an adjective, the " grim ", " terrible ", " furious ", "wild" or " violent " means. Likewise, " personatus " a participle, the "masked" or " dressed " means.


Purple stem Rötelritterling are commonly regarded as edible, but are also known to trigger allergies in sensitive individuals. This is particularly likely if the fungus is consumed raw, though allergic reactions are also known with boiled Lilastieligen or Violet Rötelritterlingen.

Purple stem Rötelritterlinge are often infested with fly larvae and are not suitable for storage; therefore it should be consumed soon after collection. They are also very porous and should therefore best be gathered on a dry day.

In the opinion of most mycologists Purple stem Rötelritterlinge be considered despite their coloration as an excellent fungi. They can be eaten as a cream sauce or sauteed in butter, and it is important not to eat raw, which can lead to indigestion. You may also like tripe or be prepared as Omelettfüllung.
