
Parasol mushrooms in a meadow

The giant screen Linge ( Macrolepiota ) is a fungal genus of the family of mushroom relatives.

  • 6.1 Literature
  • 6.2 Notes and references


Macroscopic characteristics

The giant screen blanks are large to very large centrally stalked mushroom species with schirmartigem aged appearance. The hat is initially spherical. Later he shields, whereby it assumes a convex to flat shape and often has a hump. He normally achieved thereby a diameter of 5-25 cm. Its surface is usually whitish, cream, gray, red or dark brown in color. During the fruiting body development it comes to tearing the hat skin and usually also the stem surface. The hat skin then forms characteristic, often concentrically arranged fibrous or flaky dandruff. Their surface is whitish to brownish. The Hutmitte tears hardly. The stem is a typical sliding ring remains. The gills are free and away from the stalk. They are dense and are white to cream- colored. The stalk is 3-25 cm long and 0.7-3 cm thick. It is cylindrical in shape and thicker, more or less strongly to the base. Its surface is smooth to fibrous. The flesh is whitish in the hat. The smell is insignificant or pleasant mushroom-like. The taste is mild. The spore powder is white to pink.

Microscopic characteristics

The spores are elliptical to ovate and up to 25 microns long. They are thick-walled and smooth. They have a germ pore on the is covered with a hyaline cap. The spores are dextrinoid and metachromatic. The cheilocystidia are cylindrical, utriform to slightly clavate shaped, often somewhat irregular. The hat skin is formed from a Trichoderma. Buckles are available.

Species delimitation

The saffron screen Linge ( Chlorophyllum ) differ mostly by smaller fruits, injury -staining red meat and a mostly smooth stem.


All members of the genus are soil-dwelling Saprobionten that are common on fertilized, nutrient-rich soils. Habitats of the giant screen blanks are forest and meadow communities.


Based on DNA analyzes of the species to the Commons saffron Schirmling were ( Chlorophyllum rachodes, Syn Macrolepiota rachodes ) in the genus saffron screen Linge ( Chlorophyllum ) separated, which originally contained only Chlorophyllum molybdites. The Virgin - Giant Schirmling or Virgin Egerlingsschirmling ( Leucoagaricus Nympharum, Syn Macrolepiota Nympharum ) was placed in the genus Egerlingsschirmlinge ( Leucoagaricus ). In Europe, following giant screen blanks in the strict sense is as follows:


Some species of the genus, particularly the group around the Parasol, are popular edible mushrooms.

