Monica Anghel

Monica Anghel ( born June 1, 1971 in Klosterneuburg, Austria ) is a Romanian singer.


Monica Anghel visited the Popular School of Art and studied opera singing in the United States and received her degree in dramaturgy at the University of Bucharest.

She began her career at the age of 14, when she won first prize at one of the most important music festivals in Romania. It achieved numerous first and second places at the national Mamaia Festival and beyond more first prizes at international competitions such as the FIDOF Award in Finland, the Golden Stag Festival in Romania, the International Festival in Australia and the MakFest in Macedonia.

In 1996 she won the Selecţia Naţională with the song Ruga pentru Pacea Lumii ( Engl.: Prayer for World Peace ), but it was unable to qualify for the international final in Oslo, because she divorced in qualifying round. In 2002 she won along with Marcel Pavel the qualifying round with the song Tell me why. When Contest in Tallinn they reached 9th place

Discography ( albums)
