Montecchio Vesponi

Montecchio Vesponi is a village and hamlet in the town of Castiglion Fiorentino, Arezzo province.


The village, where about 1200 people live is 4 km south of Castiglione Fiorentino, on a hill at the bottom of the Chio Valley, 363 m above sea level.


The first settlement on Montecchio Hill comes from the etruskeisch - Roman era. In the 9th century, the castle was built. In the 11th century the castle Castrum Montis Giusponi was known, a derivative of the family name of Guasconi from Arezzo. In 1347 there was the place under the rule of Perugia. After the battle of Campaldino it was passed into the possession of Florence. Florence was the place for 1383 to John Hawkwood (Giovanni Acuto ) on. After his death the place was returned to Florence. The place was independent until 1774, he was incorporated by the territorial reform of Leopold II in Castiglion Fiorentino.


The Church of Montecchio

View Montecchio to a foggy day

Typical house on a street
