Mozart (1955 film)

  • Oskar Werner: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  • Johanna Matz: Annie Gottlieb
  • Erich Kunz: Emanuel Schikaneder
  • Gertrud Kückelmann: Constanze Mozart
  • Nadja Tiller: Louise Weber Lange
  • Annie Rosar: Ms. Weber
  • Hugo Gottschlich: Don Primus
  • Angelika Hauff: Suzi Gerl
  • Albin Skoda: Antonio Salieri

Mozart is an Austrian film from 1955, in which Karl Hartl directed. The based on a screenplay by Karl Hartl film is set in the last years of the Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. The first performance in Austria and Germany took place on 20 December 1955. In Germany the film under the distribution title Reich was listed my hand, my life. The film was by Whom the gods love from the year 1942 was the second film Hartl, which dealt with Mozart's life.


The " court composer " Mozart has tried to lead enough of the ignorance and the vanities of the Viennese court and as a freelance artist living independently. To this end, he allies himself with the theater director Emanuel Schikaneder to compose for its Freihaustheater an opera: The Magic Flute. The opera is to be a tribute to the ideals of Freemasonry. During Mozart's wife Constanze bored at a health spa, Mozart works with Schikaneder at the Opera. The young singer Pamina, Annie Gottlieb, Mozart admired for quite some time. During the rehearsals, Mozart fell in love with Annie. But shortly before the premiere of the opera emerges an impresario who wants to commit Annie for an international tour. Annie's father wants these take the opportunity. Even Mozart understands what is the tour for the young singer for a chance and send them against their will on the trip. Annie hesitates. But just before leaving Annie realizes after talking with Mozart's doctor how much Mozart's health is already under attack and that she will never see him more, if they should join this year-long tour. Annie remains and thus makes them even against the will of her father, transgress then.

The already drawn from his illness Mozart and Annie experience a brief period of happiness that comes to an end with the sudden death of Mozart.


For the film, Karl Hartl came almost exclusively actor from his hometown of Vienna. Consequently, Mozart's wife Constanze was shown ( in real life a German ) by the German actress Gertrude Kückelmann.

The German release title Give me your hand, my life quotes the tender wooing small duet piece ( it.) Là ci darem la mano between Don Giovanni and Zerlina in Mozart's opera Don Giovanni.


" Sentimental conversation with questionable biographical episodes. Milieu and time background are carefully designed, but remain decoration. The film (Karl Hartl's second film after Mozart "Whom the gods love", 1942) is slightly enhanced by some good music recordings and the ravishing idea, offered by the young Oskar Werner in the lead role. "
