Nakło, Opole Voivodeship

Nakel (Polish Nakło ) is a town in Upper Silesia in the municipality of Tarnów ( Tarnów Opolski ) in the powiat Opolski in the Opole Voivodeship.


Nakel was first documented in 1297. In 1783 the town had 208 inhabitants, in 1844 there were 465, and then 580 in 1900.

In the referendum on March 20, 1921 134 voters voted to remain in Germany and 349 for Poland. The tuning circuit Opole majority had voted for Germany, which is why Nakel the German Reich remained. 1939 Nakel 723 inhabitants. By 1945, the place was in the district of Opole.

In 1945 the previously German place under Polish administration and renamed Nakło. In 1950, the town is part of the Opole Voivodeship and 1999 of the powiat Opolski.

On 15 February 2007 was introduced in the municipality of German as a second official language. On 14 April 2008, the site received the additional official German names Nakel.

Sons and daughters of the town

  • Martin Kallmann (1867-1911), German electrical engineer and electrician city of Berlin
  • Heinrich Olschowsky ( b. 1939 ), Emeritus Professor of German Polish Studies at the Humboldt University in Berlin
  • Udo Mientus (* 1942), German politician ( SPD), former deputy in the Lower Saxony state parliament


Konty / Kąty Opole | Kossorowitz / Kosorowice | Copper Mountain / Miedziana | Nakel / Nakło | Przywor / Przywory | Raschau / Raszowa | Tarnów / Tarnów Opolski | Schulenburg / Walidrogi

  • Tarnów commune
  • Location of the Opole Voivodeship