Netřebice (Český Krumlov District)

Netřebice ( German Netrobitz, also Netrowitz ) is a municipality with 476 inhabitants ( 2006) in the Czech Republic. It is located seven kilometers northwest of Kaplice and belongs to Okres Český Krumlov. The land area is 1355 ha


The place is located in 635 m above sea level. M. left side above the Maltschtales in the northeastern Poluška Mountains. By Netřebice leads the European Route 55 / State Road 3 between Velešína and Kaplice. In the north and east of the Summerauer train travels around the city, which has a railway stop in the district Výheň.

Neighboring towns are Zvíkov and Korbel in the north, Hřeben in the northeast, Výheň in the east, Vavřín and nearby Rozpoutě the southeast, Kaplice - nádraží, Osovsky and Rejty in the south, Střítež and Dolni Pláně the southwest, V Háji and Zubčice in the west and Zubčická Lhotka in the northwest.


In 1358 the village Netrziebiczie villa was first mentioned.

Community structure

The municipality includes the districts Netřebice Dlouhá ( Dluhe ) and Výheň ( Wihen ) as well as the hamlets and single layered Hřeben, Korbel and Vavřín.


  • Chapel at the school
  • Open belfry in the village square
  • Historical brake stone north of the village left the European road 55
  • Memorial for 44 unknown victims of the concentration camp of Auschwitz to Mauthausen transport from January 1945, just south of the village toward Kaplice - nádraží left the European route 55 at the track after Vavřín