Neulingen, Saxony-Anhalt

52.86511.57111111111130Koordinaten: 52 ° 51 ' 54 "N, 11 ° 34' 16" E

Newcomers is a district of the city Arendsee ( Altmark) in the Altmark Salzwedel in Saxony- Anhalt, Germany.


Newcomers is located about 20 kilometers southwest of Wittenberg and the Brandenburg state border in the Altmark. While the West has passed the district of the district woods, east of the newcomers preferred area of meadows and pastures is embossed. The district is traversed by numerous bog -like wetland sites, as well as the site of a natural water source.

Two kilometers north of newcomers the highway runs 190 ( Salzwedel -Seehausen ( Altmark) ).


The documentary first mention of the village dates from the year 1271st

Due to a change in the contract area of the municipal council decided newcomers on 2 June 2009, that the church newcomers to the city Arendsee ( Altmark) is incorporated. This agreement was approved by the county as a lower municipal supervisory authority and entered into force on 1 January 2010.

After incorporation of the previously autonomous municipality newcomers newcomers was part of the city Arendsee ( Altmark). For powered finished my community the village constitution according to § § 86 et seq Municipal Code Saxony -Anhalt has been introduced. The inserted end to my community newcomers and future district newcomers to the village was the host city Arendsee ( Altmark). In the eingemeindeten community and nunmehrigen village newcomers a Ortschaftsrat was formed with five members, including mayor.



The last mayor of the township was Helga Lechler. Since the merging Arendsee is the mayor Norman adhesive. The Chairman of the Ortschaftsrates Axel Tiemann.


The local situation is characterized by the spread in the region of large four-side half-timbered courtyards.

The stone church was built around 1200 and has a floating angel as a special feature. 1912 burned the Neulinger church and was heavily damaged, especially in the tower. The fire was created by a burning candle left behind after the ringing of the bells. In 1998, the church received a new tip, in recent years, then a new roof.

In this church " St. Mary " has been around since 1914 Rühlmann organ, thanks to the club - has been restored " De Dörpstroat Association for the Preservation rural heritage " and donations from the church in May 2011.

Another attraction in newcomers are the natural weather stations, so-called " dead liver ". A few days before it rains, they get wet. From such a " dead liver " was a pond called by the inhabitants " fish pond". This pond is ideal for romantic picnics.

Association " De Dörpstroat e.V. "

The idea to let the four side yards and other cultural, mainly from agriculture not simply degenerate, but to get started in 2005. In February 2006, the he made the ideas and they were looking for a name. " De Dörpstroat " is Altmärker platform and is called: The village street. Underlying this is the idea that, a village that has only one road, the village life takes place in newcomers on this street. The suffix " Association for the Preservation village treasures " explains the aims of the association. Main event of the club and therefore the whole village is the annual " Potato Day ". There it is shown on a Saturday in August, such as potatoes and harvested earlier today (that is, both with horses and with large tractors). 2012 commits newcomers already the 7th Day of the Potato. The Neulinger am particularly pleased that there are not only club members who are involved. Also from surrounding villages there are members, even from all over Germany.
