Number Forms

The Unicode block number sign ( Number Forms, U 2150 to U 218 F) character for the number representation and consists of two parts.

In the first part there are several, frequently used, vulgar fractions, namely not cuttable by the denominator 3, 5, 6 and 8 Since ¼, ½ and ¾ have already been defined in ISO 8859-1 and therefore in the Unicode block Latin-1, supplements are, they are not included here. There is also a counter with one fraction bar, which allows you to combine high - and subscript characters any subscript numbers from the Unicode block, eg ⅟ ₁ ₆.

In addition, there are in the Unicode block General Punctuation at position U 2044 a fraction line, with the other fractions are represented by the inclusion of high-ranking figures, eg ⁷ ⁷ / ₇ ₈.

The second part contains Roman numerals, which for the most part consist of Latin letters, but are summarized here for a sign and thereby also opens up the possibility to distinguish them from these graphically (eg by solid lines above and below the Roman numeral how to do this by hand often does). Above all, these signs are suitable for presentation in East Asian texts, particularly in vertical writing.


