
Book - Porcelain Agaric ( Oudemansiella mucida )

The mucus Velvet foot ( Oudemansiella ) are a widespread mainly in the tropics fungal genus of the family of beef sponges. The type species is Oudemansiella platensis.

The genus is named after the Dutch physician, botanist and mycologist Antoon Cornelis Oudemans January Abraham (1825-1906), in Dörfelts " dictionary of mycology ", the French form of the name Antoine Corneille Jean Oudemans Abraham is mentioned.


The mucus Velvet foot form medium-sized, mostly tufted growing fruit body with fins on the Hutunterseiten. The round spores are great - they measure the Book mucus Rübling example, 14-20 x 14.5 to 19 microns.


The species of wood are residents and cause a white rot in the substrate. You fruiting bodies even partially in the branches of dead, but still standing trees.


Worldwide, in the narrow sense about 15 species, of which in Europe only the beech Porcelain Agaric ( Oudemansiella mucida ) is native.

A common in the tropics, common type is Oudemansiella Canarii.


The mucus Velvet foot would previously counted among the Schwindling relatives or Tricholoma relatives. New phylogenetic evidence showing but one belonging to the tree sponges ( Physalacriaceae ) .. Some authors include in the genus Oudemansiella the root Velvet foot ( Xerula ) and Megacollybia with a.

