
Pelechuco is a village in the department of La Paz in the South American Andes State of Bolivia. The village was founded in 1560 by the Jesuits.

Location in near space

Pelechuco is the central place of the district ( bolivian: municipality ) in the Province Franz Tamayo Pelechuco. The village lies at an altitude of 3592 meters in the northwestern foothills of the Cordillera Apolobamba 20 kilometers due east of the border with Peru, on the banks of a left tributary of the Río Sorapata.


Pelechuco located in the northern part of the Bolivian Cordillera Central. The region exhibits a pronounced daytime air, wherein the average temperature variation during the day more marked than in the course of the year.

The average annual temperature of the region is located at 5 ° C, the annual precipitation is about 750 mm (see climate chart Pelechuco ). The monthly average temperatures vary only slightly between 2 ° C in June / July and 6 ° C in October to December, the monthly rainfall range from less than 10 mm during the months of June and July, and more than 100 mm from December to March.

Traffic network

Pelechuco lies at a distance of 338 kilometers of road north-west of La Paz, the capital of the department of the same name.

From La Paz the highway Ruta 2 on El Alto leads in a northwesterly direction 30 miles to Huarina, from there the Ruta 16 through Achacachi and Puerto Carabuco after Escoma near the mouth of the Río Suches in Lake Titicaca. From there, it continues north and reached after 50 kilometers Villa Rosario de Wila Khala. From there, the Ruta 1265 via Ulla Ulla past the Laguna Coloco and a pass of 4850 m and reached after 93 kilometers Pelechuco.


The population of the town has risen in the past two decades to nearly twice:

The population of the region is composed about equally of the indigenous peoples of the Aymara and Quechua.
