
Antidesma bunius, Illustration

The Phyllanthaceae are a family in the order of Malpighienartigen ( Malpighiales ) within the angiosperms ( Magnoliopsida ). The 56 to 60 genera with 1745-2000 species have a pantropical distribution.

  • 3.1 Notes and references


Appearance and leaves

There are herbaceous plants, shrubs or trees. The leaves are arranged in two rows or spirals, they are often reduced. When the leaves are reduced, then the branches are transformed into phylloclades and take over the photosynthesis (eg, Phyllanthus ). There are Stipules present.

Inflorescences, flowers, fruits and seeds

The small flowers are always getrenntgeschlechtig. The species are mostly monoecious getrenntgeschlechtig ( monoecious ), only in the genus Antidesma they are dioecious getrenntgeschlechtig ( dioecious ). There are two to eight (rarely twelve) sepals present. There are usually five petals present or they are missing. The male flowers contain 2 to 35 stamens. In the female flowers are two to five (up to 15) carpels grow to an ovary or is it just a carpel available. The seed capsules open explosively and often contain large seeds.


The plants accumulate aluminum ions (Al).

Systematics and distribution

The family had earlier Phyllanthaceae the rank of a subfamily Phyllanthoideae within the family of Euphorbiaceae ( Euphorbiaceae ). Previously the genera Centroplacus, Paradrypetes and Phyllanoa were asked in the in Phyllanthaceae. Today Centroplacus included in the Centroplacaceae, Paradrypetes in the Rhizophoraceae and the former genus Phyllanoa within the genus Rinorea in the Violaceae.

The Phyllanthaceae family has a pantropical distribution. About 19 species occur in the Neotropics.

By Hoffmann et al. 2006, the family of Phyllanthaceae into two subfamilies, ten tribes will be divided and includes 56 to 60 genera with 1745-2000 species:

  • Subfamily Antidesmatoideae Hurusawa ( Syn: Antidesmataceae Loudon, Aporosaceae Planchon, Bischofiaceae Airy Shaw, Hymenocardiaceae Airy Shaw, Scepaceae Lindl, Stilaginaceae C.Agardh, Uapacaceae Airy Shaw. ): It contains about 22 genera:
  • Subtribe Antidesmatinae:
  • Antidesma L. (syn.: Bestram Adans, Coulejia Dennst, Minutalia Fenzl, Rhytis Lour, Rubina Noronha, L. Stilago. .. ): The about 100 species are used in Paläotropis.
  • Thecacoris A.Juss. ( Syn: Baccaureopsis Pax, Cyathogyne Müll.Arg, Henribaillonia Kuntze. ): The approximately 19 species occur in tropical Africa and Madagascar.
  • Subtribe Hieronyminae:
  • Hieronyma Allemão ( Syn: Hieronima Allemão, Hyeronima Allemão, Stilaginella Tul. ): It contains about 22 species found from Mexico to tropical South America ind.
  • Subtribe Hymenocardiinae:
  • Didymocistus Kuhlm. Contains only one type:
  • Didymocistus chrysadenius Kuhlm. It occurs in Brazil and Peru.
  • Hymenocardia Wall. ex Lindl. contains about six species found in Africa and tropical Asia.
  • Subtribe Leptonematinae:
  • Leptonema A.Juss. , The only two species occur in Madagascar.
  • Subtribe Martretiinae:
  • Apodiscus Hutch. Contains only one type:
  • Apodiscus chevalieri Hutch. It occurs in Guinea and Liberia.
  • Martretia Beille: it contains only one type:
  • Martretia quadricornis Beille: They occur in tropical West and Central Africa.
  • Unclassified in a subtribe:
  • Chonocentrum Pierre ex Pax & K.Hoffm. Contains only one type:
  • Chonocentrum cyathophorum ( Müll.Arg. ) Pierre ex Pax & K. Hoffm. It occurs in Brazil only in the Amazon.
  • Bischofia flower ( Syn: Microelus Wight & Arn, Stylodiscus Benn. . ): The only two types come from South and East Asia prior to the southern Pacific Ocean.
  • Celianella Jabl. Contains only one type:
  • Celianella montana Jabl. The home is Venezuela.
  • Jablonskia GLWebster: it contains only one type:
  • Jablonskia congesta (. Benth. ex Müll.Arg ) GLWebster: It grows mainly along watercourses and in the rain forests only in the Amazon region in South America; in the southwestern Amazon Basin and Guyana to Peru.
  • Aporosa flower ( Syn: Aporusa flower, flower leiocarpus, Lepidostachys Wall, Scepa Lindl, Tetractinostigma Hassk. .. ): The approximately 90 species occur in tropical Asia and in China.
  • Ashtonia Airy Shaw: The only two species occur in Southeast Asia.
  • . Baccaurea Lour ( Syn: Adenocrepis Flower, Calyptroon Miq, Coccomelia Raw, Everettiodendron Merr, Gatnaia Gagnep, Hedycarpus Jack, Microsepala Miq, Pierardia Roxb ex Jack. .. .. . ): The approximately 50 species come from tropical Asia to the Southwest Pacific and happen to China.
  • Distichirhops Haegens: The approximately three species occur in Borneo and New Guinea.
  • Maesobotrya Benth. ( Syn: Staphysora Pierre ): The approximately 18 species occur in tropical Africa.
  • Nothobaccaurea Haegens: The only two species occur between the Solomon Islands and Fiji.
  • Protomegabaria Hutch. The only three species occur in Africa
  • Richeria Vahl ( Syn: Bellevalia Roem & Schult, Guarania Wedd ex Baill. .. . ): It contains about five species found in Central and South America and the Caribbean.
  • Spondianthus Engl ( Syn: Megabaria Pierre ex Hutch. ): It contains only one type:
  • Spondianthus preussii Engl: It occurs in tropical Africa.
  • Uapaca Baill. ( Syn: Canariastrum Engl ): It contains about 60 species that are native to tropical Africa and Madagascar.
  • Subfamily Phyllanthoideae Beilschmied: it contains 36 to 39 genera:
  • Subtribe Amanoinae:
  • Amanoa Aubl. ( Syn: Micropetalum Poit ex Baill. . ): It contains about 16 species occur in tropical America and tropical Africa before.
  • Subtribe Keayodendrinae:
  • Keayodendron Leandri: it contains only one type:
  • Keayodendron bridelioides Leandri: It is distributed from the Ivory Coast to the wetlich - central tropical Africa.
  • Subtribe Paeudolachnostylidinae:
  • Bridelia Willd. ( Syn: Candelabria Hochst, Gentilia A.Chev & Beille, Neogoetzia Pax, Pentameria Klotzsch ex Baill, Tzellemtinia Chiov. .. . ): It contains about 50 species.
  • Cleistanthus Hook. f ex Planch. ( Syn: Clistanthus Post & Kuntze, Godefroya Gagnep, Kaluhaburunghos Kuntze, Lebidiera Baill, Lebidieropsis waste Arg, Leiopyxis Miq, Nanopetalum Hassk, Paracleisthus Gagnep, Schistostigma Lauterb, Stenonia Baill, Stenoniella Kuntze, Zenkerodendron. .. .. .. . Gilg ex Jabl ). with about 140 species
  • Pentabrachion Müll.Arg. Contains only one type:
  • Pentabrachion reticulatum Müll.Arg. They occur in tropical West and Central Africa.
  • Pseudolachnostylis Pax: it contains only one type:
  • Pseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia Pax: It is distributed with four varieties of Tanzania to southern Africa.
  • Subtribe Saviinae:
  • Discocarpus Klotzsch: The approximately four species are distributed in tropical South America.
  • Croizatia Steyerm. With five species that occur between Panama and Ecuador.
  • Gonatogyne Klotzsch ex garbage. Arg: it contains only one type:
  • Gonatogyne brasiliensis ( Baill. ) waste. Arg: It occurs only in southeastern Brazil.
  • Heterosavia ( Urb. ) Petra Hoffm. With four species that occur in Florida and the Caribbean.
  • Savia Willd. ( Syn: Kleinodendron LB Sm & Downs, Maschalanthus Nutt. ): Of the only two species from a southeastern and southern Brazil to Paraguay and the other comes from Mexico to the Caribbean and Venezuela before.
  • Tacarcuna Huft: The only three species occur in Panama, Venezuela and Peru.
  • Subtribe Securineginae:
  • Lachnostylis Turcz. , The only two species occur only in the South African provinces of Eastern Cape and Western Cape.
  • Securinega Comm. ex A.Juss: The five species are found only on Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands.
  • Breynia J.R.Forst. & G.Forst. ( Syn: Foersteria Scop, Forsteria Steud Melanthes flower, flower Melanthesa, Melanthesopsis Müll.Arg. .. ): The approximately 33 species occur to the south-west Pacific and Réunion from tropical and subtropical Asia.
  • Flueggea Willd. ( Syn: Bessera Spreng, Colmeiroa Reut, Geblera Fish & CAMey, Neowawraea skirt, Pleiostemon Sond, Richeriella Pax & K.Hoffm, Villanova Pourr ex Cutanda. .. .. .. ): The approximately 16 species occur in the tropics and subtropics ago.
  • Glochidion J.R.Forst. & G.Forst. ( Syn: Agyneia L., Bradleia Cav, Bradleja Banks ex Gaertn, Coccoglochidion K.Schum, slides Peru Kuntze, Episteira Raf, Glochidionopsis Flower, Glochisandra Wight, Gynoon Juss, Lobocarpus Wight & Arn, Pseudoglochidion Gamble. .. .. . Tetraglochidion K.Schum, Zarcoa Llanos). the about 320 species are distributed from tropical and subtropical Asia to the Pacific.
  • Lingelsheimia Pax: The six species occur in Africa and Madagascar.
  • Margaritaria L. f ( Ex.: Calococcus short ex Teijsm, Prosorus Dalzell, Wurtzia Baill, Zygospermum Thwaites ex Baill. .. ): The approximately 13 species are widespread in the tropics and subtropics.
  • Phyllanthus L. (syn.: Anisonema A.Juss, Aporosella Chodat, Arachnodes Gagnep, Ardinghalia Comm ex Juss, Aster Andra Klotzsch, Cathetus Lour, Ceramanthus Hassk, Chorisandra Wight, Cicca L., Clambus Miers, Conami Aubl. .. .. .. , Dendrophyllanthus S.Moore, Dicholactina Hance, Dimorphocladium Britton, emblica Gaertn. , Epistylium Sw., Eriococcus Hassk. , Fluggeopsis K.Schum. , Geminaria Raf., Genesiphylla L' Hér. , Hemicicca Baill. , Hemiglochidion ( Müll. Arg. ) K.Schum. , Hexadena Raf., Hexaspermum Domin, Kirganelia Juss., Leichhardtia F.Muell. , Lomanthes Raf., Maborea Aubl. , Macraea Wight, Menarda Comm. ex Juss., Mirobalanus Burm. , Moeroris Raf., Nellica Raf., niruri Adans. , Nymania K.Schum. , Nymphanthus Lour. , Orbicularia Baill. , Oxalistylis Baill. , Ramsdenia Britton, Reidia Wight, Reverchonia A.Gray, Rhopium Schreb. , Roigia Britton, Scepasma flower, Staurothylax handle. , Synexemia Raf, Tricarium Lour, uranium Thera Pax & K.Hoffm, urinaria Medik, Williamia Baill, Xylophylla L.): .. .. . 880-1270 It contains species with phylloclades: It is distributed in the tropics and subtropics.
  • Plagiocladus Jean F.Brunel: it contains only one type:
  • Plagiocladus diandrus ( Pax ) Jean F. Brunel: It occurs between Cameroon and the Congo.
  • Sauropus flower ( Syn: .. Aalius Lam ex Kuntze, Breyniopsis Beille, Ceratogynum Wight, Diplomorpha handle, Heterocalymnantha Domin, Ibina Noronha, Synastemon F.Muell, Synostemon F.Muell. . ): The approximately 70 species are from the western Indian Ocean spread to tropical Asia and Australia.
  • Actephila flower ( Syn: Anomospermum Dalzell, Lithoxylon Endl. ): The approximately 30 species are distributed in tropical and subtropical Asia and the Southwest Pacific.
  • Andrachne L. (syn.: Eraeliss Forssk, Thelypotzium Gagnep. . ): The approximately 22 species come from the Mediterranean and the Cape Verde Islands to the Himalayas, but also in the Caribbean, Mexico and Peru.
  • Leptopus Decne. ( Syn: Arachne ( Endl. ) Pojark, Hexakestra Hook f, Hexakistra Hook f. .. ): The approximately nine species occur to China and Malaysia's from the Caucasus.
  • Meineckia Baill. ( Syn: Cluytiandra Müll.Arg, Neopeltandra Gamble, Peltandra Wight, Zimmermannia Pax, Zimmermanniopsis Radcl. -Sm. . ): It contains about 30 species occurring from tropical Africa to India and from Mexico to Brazil.
  • Notoleptopus Voronts. & Petra Hoffm. Contains only one type: Notoleptopus decaisnei ( Benth. ) Voronts. & Petra Hoffm. It occurs in Java and Australia.
  • Pseudophyllanthus ovalis ( E.Mey. Ex Sond. ) Voronts. & Petra Hoffm. It comes from Zimbabwe ago to the Southern Africa.
  • Subtribe Astrocasiinae:
  • Astrocasia B.L.Rob. & Millsp. The six species occur in Central and South America.
  • Chascotheca Urb. ( Syn: Chaenotheca Urb. ): The only two species occur in Cuba and Hispaniola.
  • Heywoodia Sim: it contains only one type:
  • Heywoodia lucens Sim: It comes from Kenya prior to southern Africa.
  • Subtribe Wielandiinae: It contains three genera:
  • Chorisandrachne Airy Shaw: It contains only one type:
  • Chorisandrachne diplosperma Airy Shaw: It occurs only in southern Thailand.
  • Dicoelia Benth. , The only two western occurring Malaysia's species is a native only to Borneo and the other only in Sumatra.
  • Wielandia Baill. ( Syn: Blotia Leandri, Charidia Baill, Petalodiscus Baill. . ): The approximately 13 species occur in tropical East Africa and the region of the western Indian Ocean.


  • The Phyllanthaceae family in APWebsite. (Sections systematics and description)
  • Petra Hoffmann, S. Hashendra Kathriarachchi, Kenneth J. Wurdack: A Phylogenetic Classification of Phyllanthaceae, In: Kew Bulletin, Volume 61, Issue1, 2006, pp. 37-53.
  • MJ Silva, 2009: Neotropical Phyllanthaceae at Neotropikey.