
Alvaradoa amorphoides

The Picramniaceae are a small family that form within the angiosperms ( Magnoliopsida ) its own order Picramniales. They occur only in the Neotropics.


There are usually very small trees or shrubs. The bark is usually bitter. The alternate and spirally arranged, petiolate leaves are composed. The leaflets are arranged on the rachis usually alternately. Stipules absent.

They are dioecious getrenntgeschlechtig ( dioecious ). It formed long racemose or Rispige inflorescences. The small, radial symmetry, unisexual flowers are usually three or five, rarely sechszählig. The sepals are fused and the sepals are much longer than the calyx tube. Most petals are present; male flowers they are absent in a few species. Male flowers containing a circle with usually three or five, rarely six free, fertile stamens. The female flowers contain two to three carpels, which are fused into a superior ovaries, with a stylus, which is shorter than the ovary and may contain staminodes.

Are formed berries at Picramnia or Samara at Alvaradoa.

Systematics and distribution

The Picramniales are an order within the euro Siden II only include the family Picramniaceae ..

Typical chemo systematic feature of the Picramniales or Picramniaceae is the occurrence of tariric in two genera.

There are about 46 species. This family is divided into two subfamilies, each containing only one genus:

  • Alvaradoideae Liebm. : Alvaradoa Liebm. With about five species. You have a disjoint area: Florida, Central America, Bahamas, and most species in the Greater Antilles and in areas from Bolivia to Argentina.
  • Picramnia Sw. With about 41 species of the southeastern United States, through Central to South America and the Caribbean Islands.