Pierre Sarr N'Jie

Pierre Sarr N'Jie (* July 17, 1909; † 11 December 1993) was a politician in the West African nation of Gambia.

1952 founded the Christian Pierre Sarr N'Jie, from the people of the Fulbe, the former Gambian Party United Party (UP) and was its chairman. The UP had its supporters in the Wolof and Fulani with the Roman Catholic faith. N'Jie spoke out in favor of a federation with Senegal

Counter steered in the phase in the Gambia 's independence, the United Kingdom commissioned a year later after the parliamentary elections in 1960 N'Jie of the UP a committee with representatives of all parties to form, which should prepare the country for self-government. In the second parliamentary elections in 1962, the People's Progressive Party (PPP ) and the 38 -year-old won Dauda ( later Sir Dauda ) Kairaba Jawara was appointed Prime Minister and N'Jie was opposition leader in parliament.

He was from March 1961 to June 12, 1962 Chief Minister of Gambia, an office which was the forerunner of the Prime Minister Office. As N'Jie had retired from politics, lost the UP importance.
