Prix Constantin

The Prix Constantin is a French music award. Since 2002, with him every year in France produced excellent albums by emerging artists and bands. Criteria for the award by a jury are talent, originality and potential. The award is named after the late 1996 producer Philippe Constantin. Organizers are the associations SNEP and UPFI. Each year, a compilation album is published title of one of the 10 shortlisted artists. Records and reports transmitted by the associated with a concert award France Inter, France 2 and France 4 Other partners include the record companies Virgin and Fnac, as well as the collecting society SACEM.

Award winners

The following artists and albums have been awarded:

  • 2002: Avril - That Horse Must Be Starving
  • 2003: Mickey 3D - Tu vas pas mourir de rire
  • 2004: Cali - L' amour parfait
  • 2005: Camille - Le fil
  • 2006: Abd al Malik - Gibraltar
  • 2007: Daphne - Carmin
  • 2008: ASA - ASA
  • 2009: Emily Loizeau - Pays sauvage
  • 2010: Hindi Zahra - Handmade
  • 2011: Selah Sue - Selah Sue