Radama I.

Radama I (* 1788, † 1828) was ruler of the Kingdom of Madagascar.

The son of Andrianampoinimerina in 1810 king of Madagascar, and retained his seat of government in the Rova of Antananarivo, which now could be described as capital of the state of Madagascar.

Radama continued his father's work, the subjugation of the whole island, consistently continue. To this end, he played sent British and French colonial interests against each other and eventually gained military support of Britain. With this help, he managed to bring to 1824 the entire island under his control.

Radama forced a social and cultural upheaval, he opened his country for missionaries from Europe. So also the Malagasy was first documented in writing, 1817, he banned the slave trade (de facto but have continued to trade slaves ). Radama also established a cabinet after the Anglo -Saxon model.

The name Radama is the biblical forefather Adam (Ra -Adam ) derived what a Muslim background is, without the royal family was itself attributable to the Islamic faith. Islamic settlers populated since the 11th century, the eastern coast of the island and had by their scribes, and astrologers have some influence, the lasted into the royal family.

Andrianampoinimerina | Radama I | Ranavalona I. | Radama II | Rasoherina | Ranavalona II | Ranavalona III.

  • King (Madagascar)
  • Madagascan
  • Born in 1788
  • Died in 1828
  • Man