River Deveron

The Deveron in Huntly

The Deveron is a river in Scotland. It is formed by the confluence of several source streams at the sparsely populated north-eastern edge of the Cairngorms in farms of 536 m. In the first 19 km of the Deveron pursuing a predominantly northerly direction, then turn off for another 22 km to the northeast. The Deveron then flows for 37 kilometers to the east and traversed by seven miles of the town of Huntly, which opens with the Bogie one of the major tributaries; approximately five miles downstream follows the Isla the second. In Turriff run turns off to the north and the river flows after a further 19 kilometers between the towns of Banff and Macduff in the Moray Firth. With a total length of 98 km of the Deveron is the tenth longest river in Scotland.

In 1829, a strong flood occurred on the Deveron. The river swelled to around seven meters above its normal water level, which led to devastation in Huntly. All road bridges downstream of the city were destroyed during this event. With the A96, A97 and A98 trunk roads cross three river.
