Russian Colonialism

The Russian colonization was a process of unlocking or conquest of new territories by Russia. She drew in contrast to the colonization of most other European colonial powers by the fact that it was not aimed primarily at overseas territories, but mainly on continental expansion into adjacent areas continued ( internal colonialism ). This was the one by the centuries-long absence of a full-fledged access to the world's oceans due, on the other by the presence of large, sometimes quite sparsely populated land masses in the neighborhood.

Lenin ( in Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism ) represents Russia in 1914 as the second largest colonial power behind England and ahead of other major powers such as France, Germany, the United States and other countries dar. The majority of these areas was "integrated" by military means in the Soviet Union. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, much of this within colonial territories and spheres of influence gained their independence, far later than the overseas colonies of the classic colonial powers.

  • 3.1 Corfu and Ionian Islands
  • 3.2 Jever
  • 3.3 Port Arthur
  • 3.4 Kauai
  • 3.5 Sagallo

Internal colonialism of Tsarist Russia

Since the 16th century, Russia expanded in five directions: in Siberia, in Central Europe, Central Asia, the territory of the Caucasus and the Balkans.

Siberian and American thrust

For a multi-ethnic state Russia was the first time after the conquest of the Tatar khanates of Kazan and Astrakhan in the years 1552 and 1556. Thereafter began the conquest of Siberia, where the Russian Cossacks ever penetrated east after the fall of the Khanate of Sibir, forts established and the indigenous population forced to pay tribute to the Tsar. A great drive for the exploration and colonization was the fur trade and the freedom from serfdom. End of the 17th century, with China concluded the Treaty of Nertschinsk which defined the boundaries of the areas of influence of two states -on-Amur. During the 18th century, Russia brought Siberia to the Bering Strait under control and began the expansion on the North American continent (Alaska, Fort Ross). In the second half of the 19th century Russia got rid of fear of overextension of the American possessions (sale of Alaska ), but expanded its influence in the Far East at the expense of China (Treaty of Aigun ). More Russian encroachment in Manchuria and the establishment of ports of Port Arthur and Dalian sparked tensions with Japan and led to the loss of influence in Korea and Manchuria.

Caucasian thrust

Overseas Colony Russian America with Alaska

Already in 1741 Alaska was ( re) discovered by the Russian Bering - Chirikov expedition. The Russian-American company of 1799 by Tsar Paul I received the monopoly of the fur trade in Russian America. Although by the late 18th century, numerous Spanish, British, French and American expedition and merchant ships along the coast of Alaska sailed, the country remained until 1867 in Russia. This year, the United States bought Alaska for 7.2 million dollars from Russia.

As part of the territorial expansion of Russian America, there were aspirations of Russia, located to the south should be fixed in the climatically favorable California. So the Fort Ross in 1812 around 80 kilometers north of San Francisco constructed as the attempt by the establishment of a food base for the north. Due to lack of profitability, it was sold in 1841 to the Swiss Johann Sutter.

Territories outside the contiguous mainland

Corfu and Ionian Islands

After the destruction of the Republic of Venice by Napoleon the Ionian Islands, Greece today, a Russian protectorate in 1798, this was the longest in Corfu (1808 ) were.


Jever and surrounding areas, today Lower Saxony, Germany, no colonial acquisitions, but 1793 Heritage Catherine II In 1818 Russia was the area of Oldenburg from.

Port Arthur

Port Arthur, now part of Dalian, PRC from 1898 to Russian leased territory and naval base on the Yellow Sea. Russia renounced Port Arthur in 1905 as a result of the Russo -Japanese War by the Treaty of Portsmouth.


1816 joined the standing in the Russian service German Georg Anton Schäffer own authority, but on behalf of the Russian crown, a protectorate treaty on the Hawaiian island of Kauai with Hawaiian sub - king Kaumualii from. This treaty was rejected by the Tsar and Schäffer 1817, also forced to pressure American and British businessmen who served inter alia as a royal advisor for leaving Hawaii.


In Sagallo in today's Djibouti tried 1889 the Cossack Nikolai Aschinow a starting point for a Russian colonization in Africa to create ( "Russian Somaliland "). French claims and the reluctance of the Russian Tsar foiled this plan.
