
Salih ( Saalih, Saleh; Arabic صالح ) is the name of a (corresponding to the Koranic suras 7 and 11) of God (Allah ) to the people of Thamud sent non-Jewish prophets. But the people of Thamud to Saleh's warnings ignored and have been punished by God, Islamic tradition.

The Bible announces the Old Testament (Gen. 49:10 EU) Shiloh to:

" Never depart from ( the tribe of ) Judah the scepter, the ruler's staff from between his feet (better: the rod on which the rule is based ) until Shiloh comes, the obedience of the peoples deserve " ( translation by Pshitta Bible Syrian or. Aramaic Christians )

The meaning of this word is not clear, and therefore the starting point for speculation, which shall include the identification with the Messiah, David or various prophets. The identification with the Arab Salih is not guaranteed.

Salih in Islam

The central point, standout item in the Quranic narration is the mention of the she-camel of God as a "sign " or " testing, temptation " ( Fitna, in Sura 54, 27) or even "proof" ( Sura 17, 59) was sent. Salih exhorted his people to leave the camel alone, so that she could freely eat and drink. But relatives of the people of Thamud the camel cut through the tendons and killed it. Then they mocked Salih, and demanded from him the threatened punishment. He asked for three days to stay in their homes, after a storm (Sura 51, ​​44 and 69, 5) and an earthquake ( Sura 7, 78) broke out and they were dead in their homes the next morning on the floor. The old Hegra, where Thamud lived, was in the Middle Ages in connection with this legend, the name of Mada'in Salih.

The Islamic legend has added miraculous stories about the conception and birth of Salih. Probably for the reason that he is often referred to in the Qur'an in connection with Noah (examples: Sura 14, 9, 9, 70, 22, 42, 25, 37-38, 40, 31, 50, 12), is Saleh's family tree attributed to Noah. In Islam Salih does not correspond to the biblical prophets, but according to Islamic tradition to the Prophet Hud and Salih such as well known as Abraham or Ibrahim and his descendants have been among the Arabs.

Ādam آدم (Adam ) | إدريس Idris ( Enoch ) | نوح Nuh ( Noah ) | Hūd هود ( boar ) | Saalih صالح ( Shiloah ) | إبراهيم Ibraaheem (Abraham ) | LUT لوط (Lot) | Ismā ʿ īl إسماعيل ( Ismael ) | إسحاق Ishaaq ( Isaac ) | Ya ʿ qūb يعقوب (Jacob ) | يوسف Yūsuf ( Joseph) | أيوب Ayyūb (Job ) | Shu ʿ aib شعيب ( Jethro ) | موسى Musa (Moses ) | Haaroon هارون (Aaron ) | Dhu al - Kifl ذو الكفل ( Ezekiel ) | داود Dawud (David ) | Sulaimān سليمان ( Solomon ) | Ilyās إلياس ( Elijah ) | al - Yasa ʿ اليسع ( Elisha ) | Yūnus يونس (Jonah ) | زكريا Zakariya ( Zacharias ) | يحيى Yahya (John ) | ʿ Īsā عيسى (Jesus ) | Muhammad محمد ( Muhammad )
