San Carlos, Río San Juan

San Carlos on the map of Nicaragua

San Carlos is the capital of the prefecture ( department ) Río San Juan in Nicaragua, according to residents of the smallest county in the country.

The city was founded by the Spaniards as a trading post in 1550 on the shores of Lake Nicaragua at the outlet of the lake, the San Juan River, the border with Costa Rica. The population was recorded in the census in 2005 in the urban area at 12,174, in the whole congregation at 37,461. About 30 % of the population of the county live in the small town, which is the regional commercial center and is the seat of government authorities and international aid organizations.

Economy and infrastructure

There is a sea-side liner connection to Granada, continue to San Carlos is the starting point of shipping links across the Río San Juan and on the offshore islands of Solentiname. A state and a private hospital are part of medical care. Furthermore, there is a small university project, the Universidad Paulo Freire (UPF ), formerly UPONIC, comparable to a college; in 2005 they had about 260 students.

From the San Carlos Airport consist flight connections to other Nicaraguan cities.


After the Nicaraguan revolution in 1979, the center of the underdeveloped region target of numerous solidarity movements in Europe, but also in the USA. Many of these initiatives resulted in twinning and cities friendships, some of which still exist, with eg:

Germany: Nuremberg, Waltrop, Witten, Erlangen, Schwabach

Austria: Linz, Braunau

Spain: Badalona, ​​Albacete

Netherlands: Groningen

Italy: Emilia -Romagna, Bologna

USA: San Carlos ( California ), Honolulu, Hawaii, South Bend (Indiana), Haven (Massachusetts ), San Francisco

