San Ignacio de Moxos

San Ignacio de Moxos (short: San Ignacio ) is a small town in the Beni Department in the South American Andes State of Bolivia.

Location in near space

San Ignacio is the central place of the Canton of San Ignacio and the seat of the administration of the province Moxos. The city is located in the Bolivian lowlands at an altitude of 165 m at the Laguna Isirere, a 19.3 km ² lake in the west of the city.


San Ignacio is located in the Moxos level, with more than 100,000 km ², one of the largest wetlands in the world. The dominant vegetation type in the region of San Ignacio is the tropical savannah.

The average annual temperature for the region is 26 ° C (see climate chart Trinidad ), with the average monthly temperatures between June / July distinguish good 23 ° C and October / December by almost 28 ° C only slightly. The annual rainfall is nearly 2000 mm and is thus more than twice as high as the precipitation in Central Europe. Maximum values ​​to February are about 300 mm in the months of December low values ​​of about 50 mm in July / August over.

Traffic network

San Ignacio is located southwest of Trinidad at a distance of 92 kilometers of road, the capital of the department

In San Ignacio, the two highways Ruta Ruta 3 and 24 meet. The Route 3 leads from La Paz to San Ignacio Sapecho and Yucumo and on to Trinidad. The Ruta 24 comes from the south-west to San Ignacio and connects the city with 260 kilometers away Villa Tunari, exist from which road connections to the major cities of Cochabamba and Santa Cruz.

From San Ignacio to the north of a road link for about 160 kilometers to the north away Santa Ana del Yacuma and from there continues on to Exaltación.


The population of the town has increased over the past three and a half decades to several times:
