San Pablo de Tiquina

San Pablo de Tiquina is a village in the department of La Paz in the South American Andes State of Bolivia.

Location in near space

San Pablo de Tiquina population is the strongest place in the district ( bolivian: Municipio) San Pedro de Tiquina in the province of Manco Kapac. The village lies at an altitude of 3824 m on the southeastern shore of the 800 -meter wide road from Tiquina that connects north and south of Lake Titicaca together.


San Pablo de Tiquina located on the Bolivian Altiplano between the Andes mountain ranges, the Cordillera Occidental and the Cordillera Central in the west to the east.

The mean average temperature of the region is 10 ° C, the annual precipitation is about 600 mm. The region has a pronounced diurnal climate, the monthly average temperatures vary only slightly between 8 ° C in July and 11 ° C in December. the monthly rainfall range from less than 10 mm in the months of June and July and about 100 mm from December to February.

Traffic network

San Pablo de Tiquina lies at a distance of 107 kilometers of road north-west of La Paz, the capital of the department of the same name.

From La Paz the paved highway Ruta 2 leads in a northwesterly direction over Huarina to San Pablo de Tiquina. It crosses the road here from Tiquina to San Pedro de Tiquina and continues forty kilometers to Copacabana and then another eight miles to Khasani on the Peruvian border.


The population of the settlement is increased by about 25 % in the current decade, from 944 inhabitants ( 2001 census ) of 1,166 inhabitants ( 2009 estimate ).

Because of the historical population growth, the region has a high proportion of Aymara population in the municipality of San Pedro de Tiquina 92.5 % of the population speak the Aymara language.
